Mindful Creative Therapy for Sleep- Intro

1. Mindful Creative Therapy for Sleep- Intro.png

My next few blog posts will be excerpts taken from a series I did on my YouTube channel called: Mindful Creative Therapy for Sleep. You can find the full video below each post.

Some of you might be feeling anxious or might be up in the middle of the night and that's why you came here. This a nice place to relax so that you're not alone.

As we're working together and spending some time together, I’d like you to remember that (as a friend of mine put it) "this is a place where you can come to keep your hands busy if your mind is racing."

Today we'll be doing one of my favorite things, which is knitting and crocheting. You don't have to be doing this, you can do any craft that you like.

We are going to talk a little bit about what makes this "mindful creativity" as opposed to "mindless creativity", and also how to set yourself up with the right art supplies.

I often suggest that when people are choosing materials for a project that you get the nicest best quality that you can afford. I used to just sort of try to get by with whatever was cheapest and I found that the amount of pleasure and relaxation that I got from using nice materials was really worth it...

At the same time I would also say to get what you can afford. Don’t feel like you have to get the most expensive materials because you think they will get you the most bang for your buck.

The trick is to find that middle ground between splurging a little bit to get something nicer than you normally would, but also keeping in mind that you don't want to have too much of a stash or start hoarding materials- trust me that will cause stress down the road!

So welcome to the series Mindful Creativity Time for Sleep, and as we continue to work together i'll be using different projects to help you relax and get some rest!